Saturday, January 16, 2010


I come back after years

Years I was unknown

I come to climb old friendship

Was accepted without question


I feared my step back to world

I knew the passage

And felt fear to move on

Step by step you walked me


I realized this was a

Bond that never was untied.

A bond that formed with

Little effort and time


There was part of me

That was lost in time

There was part of me

You held on as precious


I remembered to

Bring you back a gift

You brushed that aside

Instead you hold me tight


I confide in things

I want to do

You dream about it

Believing I will not fail


I am tired and worn

At the end of day

You come by with cheers

That clears all the cow webs


When I think about life

When I doubt about living

A reassurance from you

Makes me forget my ranting

If I could catch a rainbow
I would do it just for you
And share with you its beauty
You are the color of life

Dedicated to all my friends and those who value friendship.

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